A walking tour of Wellington's medical history

A walking tour of Wellington's medical history

The streets of Wellington are peppered with historic doctors’ practices, training establishments (the Dental School), public services (the ambulance service, hospitals), and the footprints of various institutions (the NZMA building, headquarters of early pharmaceutical firms). Our fieldtrip will explore a selection of these, via a collectively hosted walking tour. With this, we hope to embrace both the workshop’s focus on place, and walking as an embodied and deeply cultural way of knowing – but we also just want to take a walk with you all! In the collaborative and experimental spirit of AusSTS, we will:

  • Visit a selection of sites in the central city - check out the map here!
  • Listen to a short, informal introduction to each location we visit, presented by one of the confrence attendees. Each site on the map has a link to the building’s Wellington City Heritage page.

This is a bit of an experiment and one that we hope at least some of you are game to join us in. The tour will take between two and 2 and a half hours at a sedate pace, and will take us from the Law School (where we are based on Day One) to our evening drinks in the central city. We are collecting people’s accessibility requirements via our registration form, but please get in touch if you’d like to talk about how you can participate if walking might not suit you.